Jewish Ringlets Ram in Thicket of Baphomet

Ringlets and the Ram, God Provides the lamb. Jehovah provides a ram?

Jewish Ringlets Rams Horns? Sure, they do look a little like the Ram or Baphomet but what are the chords that bind Judaism with Ram worship?

Question: Who halts Abraham and who is the Ram in the Thicket?

I came across this over breakfast with the wife, confession on this one, I haven't looked closely at it but it seems clear that there is a great going on in here. Note: We are working out of the KJV, not NKJV or others, this isn't as identifiable but in the older version it's quite … Continue reading Question: Who halts Abraham and who is the Ram in the Thicket?

Phoenix Lights Hoax Debunked Lynn Kitei

Phoenix Lights Hoax Debunked: Who is Dr Lynn D Kitei, UFO Evangelist?

Who is Dr Lynn Dumin Kitei Since the lid has been lifted on the Steven Spielbergs first movie, Firelight being the source material for this large scale Phoenix Lights Hoax that many suspect is a disguised call for unity by Wicca, Kaballah and Witchcraft practiotioners similar to the Rendlesham Suffolk UK incident was for the … Continue reading Phoenix Lights Hoax Debunked: Who is Dr Lynn D Kitei, UFO Evangelist?

ready player one kubrick spielberg baphomet

Ready Player One – Spielberg CGI Esoteric Excellence

Although the excessive story changes might be tough for book purists to accept, Steven Spielberg has lovingly crafted a densely coded piece of cinematic magick that captures the zeitgeist of '80s nostalgia. A screen alchemist of the highest order, Cinematic Grandpa Spielberg brings his own subtle trademark style to the visuals. To those expecting a faithful or accurate adaptation, … Continue reading Ready Player One – Spielberg CGI Esoteric Excellence