Steven Spielberg Pedophile Rumours Heather O'Rourke

Steven Spielberg Pedophilic Undertones Suggests Crispin Glover in Essay

Steven Spielbergs undertones are suggested to be pedophilic by Crispin Glover in Essay. Heather O'Rourke and Drew Barrymore are a number of youngsters who have worked with Spielberg but none have suggested that there is any truth to rumours.

pagan agenda modern female satanists wicca pagans kabballa

The Pagan Agenda: Witches everywhere, children as targets, Roald Dahl and Hollywoods Phoenix Agenda

When Roald Dahl wrote The Witches in 1983, he produced a brilliant work that was less a childrens book, more a horror for adults with a light reskin. Just like other Dahl books that covered modern social themes quite directly (The Twits, Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator) inside the veil of a fantasy theme, … Continue reading The Pagan Agenda: Witches everywhere, children as targets, Roald Dahl and Hollywoods Phoenix Agenda

hollywood kabballa qabala magick witchcraft

Hollywood Kabbala: When the Crafts of Cinematic Magic met the Magick of Jewish Esoteric Mysticism

Kabballa, Kabballah or even Qaballah in some cases that seem even more confusing than multiple spellings is just one of the many fascinating elements of the Jewish hermetic mysticism. This ancient craft, craeft or creft (yes, this is another randomising of spelling and all refer to witchcraft) is thought to be a recent craze or … Continue reading Hollywood Kabbala: When the Crafts of Cinematic Magic met the Magick of Jewish Esoteric Mysticism

hollywood abortion obsession magick kabbala

More that 60% of Americans are Pro-Life, Why is 99% of Hollywood aggressively Pro-Choice?

Because most sensible people understand that actors and actresses are nothing more than normal people with expensive beauty routines and surgery and ARE NOT THE HEROES THEY OFTEN PLAY IN MOVIES, a certain Hollywood driven BS train is failing to pull out of the station. It would appear that no amount of money, Hollywood slut … Continue reading More that 60% of Americans are Pro-Life, Why is 99% of Hollywood aggressively Pro-Choice?

stephen spielberg pedophile rumours

Steven Spielberg “God Lights” Technique & Reasoning The Early Witch-Hunts

Regardless of your opinion on Spielberg and believe me, they vary, the man can shoot. Spielberg Phoenix Lights Architect After being quietly outed as the architect of Phoenix Lights UFO sighting hoax when it was discovered that his first "partially lost" movie, Firelight was the source material, the reasons remain unknown. The Phoenix Lights … Continue reading Steven Spielberg “God Lights” Technique & Reasoning The Early Witch-Hunts

lauren shuler donner prochoice planned parenthood hollywood

Hollywood & Planned Parenthood: Lauren Shuler Donner

Lauren Shuler Donner has used her power within movies to further the cause of Planned Parenthood and Wicca principles in regard to our treatment of the earth. Prochoice Producer Hollywood planned parenthood supporter and activist, Lauren Shuler Donner has lead the charge for younger movie industry feminists to get behind Planned Parenthood, the pro abortion … Continue reading Hollywood & Planned Parenthood: Lauren Shuler Donner

Master of the Universe over 30 years old, Gary Goddards movie agelessly abysmal as it was in 1997

Sometimes things age well. Wine, GW Bush who is apparently popular on account of being someone who had the title POTUS and despite being tremendously inept, isn't called Donald Trump (who seems to be doing a good job as far as I can see from here in London <shrugs>). Masters of the Universe actually does … Continue reading Master of the Universe over 30 years old, Gary Goddards movie agelessly abysmal as it was in 1997

Extreme Method Acting: Mickey Rourkes 15 year journey through obscurity, rigged boxing matches and tights to prepare for The Wrestler.

I was asked what was the most extreme action by a director on set. My answer focusses on an actor but I can justify this by way of both how outlandish the prep is and that it needed two directors to pull it off. I would say that Mickey Rourke having a fake boxing career, … Continue reading Extreme Method Acting: Mickey Rourkes 15 year journey through obscurity, rigged boxing matches and tights to prepare for The Wrestler.

nic cage shamanic method acting performance

Face/Off – A Triumph of Acting an Actor Acting with Nic Cage delivering his “Shamanic Performance”

Everyone knows what can hype do to you. It sticks in to your brain and never lets go until satisfied. Fortunately, it did make me watch this movie, and this being one of the first Woo movies, I was totally blown away. It's worthy of the many rewatches and analysis I have given it since. … Continue reading Face/Off – A Triumph of Acting an Actor Acting with Nic Cage delivering his “Shamanic Performance”