Jehovahs Witness Cult Brainwashing

Warning: Basic Religious Cult Brainwashing Techniques & Stages

Through media and movies  many people see brainwashing as an evil practice that is done by those who are trying to corrupt, influence, or to gain power. This isn't entirely unture. Others who believe in the power of brainwashing hold that people all around them are trying to control their minds and their behaviour. For … Continue reading Warning: Basic Religious Cult Brainwashing Techniques & Stages

Jehovahs Witness Black Ops: Fake “Ex Jehovahs Witnesses”, infiltrating and disrupting Christian Fellowships

Are ex Jehovahs Witnesses infiltrating your Christian fellowship? Check our list of signs for the JW Trojan Horse attack on Christianity. Jehovahs Witness are seemingly joining their close relatives the Freemasons with black ops that subvert Christianity.


An article sent to us by a Christian from Suffolk, UK. Ever feel like you're the sacrificial lamb? I'm quickly finding out that certain strains of Christianity aren't Christianity. They are something else...something I am finding it hard to identify. My wife is currently in the process of de-fellowshipping me with intense nastiness and rude … Continue reading CHRISTIANITY, THE CULT AND THE CLANDESTINE – A PERSONAL ARTICLE 2

Mystic Philippines: Couples for Christ, the Covert Catholic Coven

Whenever you see an aggressive or notable switching between "Lord", "God", "Jehovah" or any of the many names given in the Bible it's very important to remember that we were warned about this in scripture and in a more practical sense, why do we need to dance around names? Is not God, Christ and Jesus … Continue reading Mystic Philippines: Couples for Christ, the Covert Catholic Coven

bohol jehovahs witness witchcraft philippines

Christianity, the cult and the clandestine – A personal article

An article sent to us by a Christian from Suffolk, UK. Many moons ago, when an atheist due to disillusionment with Catholicism but more so the born again church my wife had chosen that seemed to have an unusual hold over her, I came upon a few oddities. One thing that strikes me about Christianity … Continue reading Christianity, the cult and the clandestine – A personal article

Mystic Philippines: Craeft rises in the Philippines as millennials businesses embrace witchcraft

The swift of very liberal millennials in the Philippines has usehered in witchcraft and the mystical forces of nature and kaballa from the fringes now into mainstream acceptanceBusinesses are jumping onboard with themed Kaballa restaurants, occult bars, and beers celebrating the country’s once forgotten mythological creatures and paganistic past Solero Fence first turned to witchcraft … Continue reading Mystic Philippines: Craeft rises in the Philippines as millennials businesses embrace witchcraft

Mystic Philippines: Iglesia ni Cristo, Baphomet, Freemasonry, Jehovah Witness and Disney

Esoteric Philippines knowledge is so rich and full in running through the conflicted Eastern mysticism and Western Christian culture that the awkward duality of those two very different forces emerges in almost every walk of life. One rumour that turned out to be quite false was the famous Quabalistic (kaballa, kaballah, cobblers, shoemaker) Jewish director, … Continue reading Mystic Philippines: Iglesia ni Cristo, Baphomet, Freemasonry, Jehovah Witness and Disney

Mystic Philippines: Masonic Jehovah Witness Watchtowers

Philippines is a country ram full of thinly veiled masonic and JW architecture just hiding in plain sight. Jehovah Witness Watchtower buildings are dotted all around the vast country of the Philippines, an ancient secret now made open to a more tolerant world. From Qaballistic (kaballa, kaballa, cosmic cobbler) shoemaker town Marakina to the mouth … Continue reading Mystic Philippines: Masonic Jehovah Witness Watchtowers

joseph smith freemasonry kaballah mormon lds

Are Freemasonry, Jehovah Witness and Mormonism the same thing?

YES! Outside of Joseph Smith being a Freemason and Charles Taze Russell making watered down criticisms of Masonry (only to be outed later), there are many similarites between the doctrines and subtle hints in older literature, particularly the masonic Watchtower mag that the JW church throw out there. “It has always been disconcerting that the … Continue reading Are Freemasonry, Jehovah Witness and Mormonism the same thing?